POLS 300 Study Guide - Aristocracy, John Calvin, Total Depravity

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29 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Christian freedom freedom is from impossible burden of salvation through works people are all around evil, don"t even know what good is; total depravity of humans. What was his role in the protestant revolution: while luther"s work was incremental and piecemeal, how would you describe calvin"s work, define: christian freedom. God selects a few to be saved; it is determined before birth. We desire to live socially and to make decisions based on benefits to a group. Control of behavior through motives of shame and honor; virtuous acts make life more pleasant but it doesn"t matter. create fear of god; government wont help you get to him, but will remind you of him. The state/princes is an agent of god and the political system should be orderly. Fate is already decided it doesn"t get you salvation. Why does he prefer more than a single ruler? council of ministers to rule the church, to provide guidance.