PSYC 295 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ob River, Rubik'S Cube, Caffeine

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Participants could take the test in a quiet condition and then a loud condition: ex- robber"s cave study (sherif et al, 1953) 11-12 year old boys who signed up for summer camp. Engaged in cooperative tasks with their group. Demonstrated that competition for resources conflict: how can we foster cooperation, stage 3: reduction of intergroup conflict. Introduced superordinate goals: shared goals that require cooperation to attain. Helped each other, talked to each other, etc. Got rid of prejudice: design: one group. Record behavior introduce iv condition 1 record behavior introduce iv condition 2 record behavior: repeated measures design, advantages. Conditions are identical because person is own control group: disadvantages. Order of the conditions could affect results. Ex- after reading about a less severe crime, a more severe crime may seem even worse to participants. Participants could get better on a task because of practice, not your iv.