PSYC 360 Study Guide - Menopause, Attachment Theory, Social Exchange Theory

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30 Oct 2014

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A: success is measured by assessing stability and satisfaction. Stability is based on whether or not the couple stays together. Satisfaction is based on if we are happy. These two components should be considered separately: know how physical attractiveness, similarity, familiarity, proximity, and reciprocity are all related to relationship formation. A: physical attractiveness: the welcome week dance found that this was the only attribute that predicted anything. The matching phenomenon is also a factor in physical attractiveness. This is the idea that we tend to match with people who are of equal attractiveness to us. Similarity: we like others who are similar to us; random pairs like each other more if they are similar; friends and relationship partners are more similar than random pairs. Familiarity: we are more attracted to neutral stimuli that we have repeatedly seen rather than unfamiliar neutral stimuli. The closer we are located to someone, the more we like them.