SOCI 110 Study Guide - Final Guide: Debt Bondage, Keith Godchaux, Social Inequality

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29 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Titanic/rose and jack: social categories (gender & class) played a huge part in who survived, 80% of those who died were men, >60% saved were first-class, 36% of second class survived, only 24% of third-class passengers survived. Social stratification: social stratification is a system by which a society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy. Social mobility: a change in position within the social hierarchy. Davis-moore thesis: social stratification has beneficial consequences for the operation of a society, the greater the functional importance of a position, the more rewards society attaches to it. Kuznets curve: shows that greater technological sophistication generally is accompanied by more pronounced social stratification income inequality not just reflects technological development but reflects a society"s political and economic priorities. Wilson on poverty: says that society is primarily responsible for poverty the government should fund jobs and provide affordable child care for low-income mothers and fathers.