SOCI 120 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Social Inequality, Kuznets Curve, Claas

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Titanic/rose & jack: titanic was a symbol of the new industrial age. Some categories of passengers had much better odds of surv ival than others. A reflection of that era"s traditional ideas about gender, women & children boarded lifeboats first, with the result that 80% of those who died were men. Class was also a factor in who survived & who didn"t. More than 60% of the passengers traveling on 1 st class were saved. On board the titanic, class meant more than the quality of accommodations- it was a matter of life or death. This dramatically illustrates how social inequality affects the way people live & sometimes whether they live at all. Social stratification/principles of: social stratification- a system by which a society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy: social stratification: 1 . Is a trait of a society, not simply a reflection of indiv idual differences 2. Involves not just inequality but beliefs as well.