SPAN 2010 Study Guide - Final Guide: El Deseo, Vayas, Infinitive

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Estar harto/a to be fed up with. Tener celos (de) to be jealous (of) Cap tulo 3 - la influencia de los medios. Tener buena/mala fama to have a good/bad reputation. Ar verbs -e, -es, -e, -emos, - is, -en. Er/-ir verbs -a, -as, -a, -amos, - is, -an. Dar d , des, d , demos, deis, den. Estar est , est s, est , estemos, est is, est n. Ir vaya, vayas, vaya, vayamos, vay is, vayan. Saber sepa, sepas, sepa, sepamos, sep is, sepan. Ser sea, seas, sea, seamos, se is, sean. Use subjunctive after verbs of will/influence, verbs of emotion, and verbs of doubt and denial. Subjunctive mood is subjective and possible but not certain. Por: motion or general location (along, through, around, by, duration of an action (for, during, in) Por m s/mucho que no matter how much. Por otro lado/otra parte on the other hand. Por primera vez for the first time.