[ED PSYCH 321] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (40 pages long)

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Document Summary

A framework for studying adolescent development: model made my john hill (1983, 3 basic components, 1: the fundamental changes of adolescence, 2: the contexts of adolescence, 3: the psychosocial developments of adolescence. Puberty overview: three chief manifestations of puberty, accelerated growth (dramatic increases in height and weight, development of primary sex characteristics and further development of the sex glands, result in hormonal changes, development of secondary sex characteristics. What triggers puberty: signals for puberty, whether there are sexually mature mating partners in the environment, whether there are enough nutritional resources to maintain a pregnancy. Sex differences in muscle and fat: muscular development is rapid during puberty in both sexes, muscle tissue grows faster in boys than girls, body fat increases more for females than males. 3: muscle to fat ratio in men- 3:1, in women 5:4, sex differences in physical ability are influenced by a variety of factors, not just hormonal differences.