GEN&WS 103 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hiv, Gonorrhea, Thymus

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Bacteriostatic : interrupt their growth and the ability to multiply: negatives of antibiotics. Can also kill good bacteria (cannot discriminate, lactobacilli example) May eventually kill host cells and difficult to kill: some viruses are contagious (herpes, warts) , some are not, do not cause apparent changes to the infected cell. Non live vaccines (safer: anti viral drugs. W. out t helper cells the immune system cannot work ( t helper don"t signal t cells which do not signal b- cells which then cannot produce antibodies: blood test measures # of functioning t- cells. Hiv negative: 700-1000 t cells in one drop of blood. Hiv positive normal is above 500 t- cells , below 200 immune system is severely compromised: hiv becomes aids when Immune system is severely damaged ( t-cell count lower than 200) Opportunistic infections occur ( pneumonia, kaposi sarcoma, recurrent yeast infection etc: treatment.