MARKETNG 300 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Sales Promotion, Personal Selling, Compensation Methods

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Understand the three promotion objectives and be able to recognize examples of when you would use each: informing inform consumers about it and show that it meets consumers needs better than others. Awareness, interest: persuading try to develop a favorable set of attitudes so customers will buy, and keep buying, its product. Demonstrate how one brand is better than others. Evaluation, trial: reminding customers who have been attracted and sold once are still targets for competitors appeals. Be able to recognize the communication model. What constitutes noise : communication process a source trying to reach a receiver with a message. Source encoding message channel decoding receiver (feedback to source) (noise can disrupt) Noise any distraction that reduces the effectiveness of the communication process. What are the objectives of a direct response promotion: direct response direct communication between a seller and an individual customer using a promotion method other than face-to-face personal selling.