NUTR SCI 132 Study Guide - Final Guide: Atherosclerosis, Maternal Death, Riboflavin

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Gestation 40 weeks: hyperplasia- increase in number of cells, hypertrophy- making cells bigger. First trimester: organs form- 3 weeks, heart beating- 15 weeks, tetragens- causes birth defects, alcohol causes fas, worst if in the first trimester. Second trimester: organs grow and mature, fetus 1 ounce. Third trimester: survival chance is good after 28 weeks, 2-3 pounds at the start, 7-8 at the end, 20 inches long. Successful pregnancy: gestation > 37 weeks, birth weight > 5. 5 lbs. Trimesters 2 and 3, 300 extra kcals/day. 15-25 lbs for overweight (bmi > 26) Rda more than 10 grams for > 24 years old. Rda more than 15 grams for < 24 years old: cho. Must be at least 100 g/day to prevent ketosis: vitamins. Folate in first 6 weeks may prevent neural tube defect. Beans, greens, seeds, orange juice: minerals. Meat & vitamin c with meals increases absorption. Increase by 400 mg if > 24 yrs old.