NUTR SCI 132 : Section 3 book notes.docx

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02:37: anorexia nervosa, sense of satisfaction or fulneess after a meal, eating disorder characterized by starving behavior, being underweight and amenorrhea, binge eating disorder, eating disorder characterized by binging, without any purging or, binge restriction. Inappropriate attempt to compensate for overeating through the use of comiting, laxative abuse or diuretics: usually normal weight with fluxuations, eating disorders are all related to one another. Severity continuum: goes from normal eating to preoocupation with food to disordered eating to eating disorder, some people may recognize disordered eating and fix it themselves, eating disorder needs professional treatment (cid:149) (cid:149) (cid:149) Serotonin and norepineprhine have been lower in people with. First degree relatives with anorexia have higher risk anorexia and bulimia: familial pattern, emotional eating, control over ones life, dealing with stress (cid:149, need for acceptance, food as nuturing, all or nothing, distraction, body image, distortion.