NUTR SCI 132 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Food Energy, Nutrient Density, Blood Sugar

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____kcals/gram capitalized: different macronutrients have different energy values. Meet the nutrients: what is a nutrient?, water - required in the greatest quantity of all nutrients, macronutrients (3), micronutrients (2), non-nutrients (2), functions of nutrients: Energy: regulation of metabolism, synthesis of body tissue, hormones, proteins, and other substances; enzymes are catalysts. Release of energy from nutrients; vitamins and minerals serve as cofactors. Fluid balance: nutrient density: the ratio of a food"s nutrient composition to its energy value. Scientific research: anecdotal evidence is useful in generating questions that may lead to hypotheses, scientific method includes the following types of studies: Epidemiological or observational studies: cannot prove cause; can suggest correlations only. Animal experiments: results may not be easily generalized to humans. Balanced diet -- all foods in moderation: micronutrients are needed in certain quantities by most healthy people in order to prevent deficiency and to achieve optimal functioning.