POLI SCI 103 Study Guide - Global Positioning System, Jennifer Bishop, September 11 Attacks
Document Summary
Leaders can apply leverage in conflicts to affect outcome: nonviolent: foreign aid, economic sanctions, diplomacy, norms/morals, violent: missiles, armies, suicide bombers (usually last resort) Use of violent means declining over time relative to nonviolent. States still devote resources to military capabilities: us spends more than billion on military forces each year o. Security dilemma means states feel obligated to fund military costs. Reasons to fund military spending: deter attack, compel other states to behave differently o o o o. For repression of political dissent: great powers dominate world"s military forces account for 2/3 world military spending, 1/3, most wars over control for territory world"s soldiers, 1/3 weapons, 99% nuclear weapons, 85% arms. Types of forces: armies: military forces with armed foot soldiers can occupy territories, only means of displacing occupants of a territory, infantry: foot soldiers. Use light weapons/artillery (artillery causes most war damage) Aircraft carriers expensive to maintain, powerful.