POLI SCI 106 Study Guide - Final Guide: Comparative Politics, Modernization Theory, Party System

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Ir: international relations, know difference between comparative politics and ir. Social ids in ldcs and nic and ads: know what is happening with these, colonialism and post colonialism and affect. Expansive def of democracy: checks and balances, more emphasis on civil liberties, no reserve of power for non-elected officials (military power, competitive and repetitive elections. Diamond on hybrid regimes: combination of different elements, combination of authoritarian and democratic regimes, liberal democracies-> electoral democracies-> ambiguous regimes -> electoral authoritarian regimes-> hegemonic electoral authoritarian regime->politically closed regime. Variations along authoritarian to democracy and should be understood as hybrid regimes. Lipset and barro and democracy: modernization theory, economic development leads to democracy. Relationship between electoral system and number of parties: smd/ majoritarian. State owned property to people: stabilization. Balance between imports and exports: liberalization. Uk-different electoral systems: house of commons. Prime minister chosen from ruling largest party. Do not need to know how many in each.