PSYCH 202 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Telepathy, Operant Conditioning, Reid Technique

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29 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Developmental psychology: the study of the psychological growth of individuals, focus on the psychological responses that characterize the different stages of life, prenatal, infancy, childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, middle adulthood, Gene expression depends on the environment, type of parenting, and other factors. Could not move normally, could not learn full speech. She could learn words but not put together full sentences. Discovered at age of 13, she looked much younger. Difficult time learning language in a complex way. Once we master one stage we move on : stage theory -> are not completely fixed, but roughly set. Individuals are stable from infancy to adulthood in terms of important personality/temperament traits: or the perspective that early childhood does not predict adult functioning. Interactionist perspective: the biopsychosocial model: genetic disposition + environment, continuity, true for physical development/motor skills, cognitive skills usually in stages, stability, some traits stable.