PSYCH 202 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Droopy, Sympathetic Nervous System, Representativeness Heuristic

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Classical conditioning: simplest form of learning; one stimulus is paired with another stimulus, which leads to a response (reflective response); conditioned or learned. Unconditioned stimulus (us): signal that leads to a response. Conditioned stimulus (cs): previously neutral stimulus (e. g. musical tone) Steak (us) + bell (ns) salivation (ur) Backward conditioning: us precedes cs (e. g. steak before bell) Simultaneous conditioning: cs and us presented at same time. Delayed conditioning: cs presented at least until us is presented. Trace conditioning: cs is discontinued before the us is presented (relies on a memory trace of the cs) Generalization: a cr is triggered by stimuli similar to the original cs (e. g. when bitten by a dog, you then fear all dogs) Discrimination: people learn to differentiate among similar stimuli and respond appropriately to each one (e. g. doctor h"s cat can distinguish between the sound of the fork and spoon drawers and food)