PSYCH 202 Final: Final Exam Study Guide

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Baron: thought and behavior that is maladaptive (disruptive, destructive), abnormal (deviates from the norm), and causes the individual distress. 50% of the population has a diagnosable disorder at some point in their life. 20% of adults suffer from a diagnosable disorder each year. Dsm-iv: (diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disordrs); provides criteria outlining the conditions that must be present before a person is given that diagnostic label. It should not consist of just specific labels; medically based. Some people do not fit into just one category; overlapping symptoms. Reinforces disease model; that there is a disease for everything. Power of the label: should label the behavior not the person: rosenhan study: got admitted into mental hospital with one symptom and then stopped symptoms; all behavior valued through disease-lens; dehumanizes the individual. However, good interrater reliability and decent validity. Diathesis-stress model: individuals have certain predispositions to major psychological disorders. Biology predisposition not strong enough alone, must be onset by environment.