PSYCH 454 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Entorhinal Cortex, Parahippocampal Gyrus, Henry Molaison

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Three different mechanisms for ltp (this example: glutamate) Increase effectiveness of ampa receptor: adding phosphate (phosphorylate) receptor via kinase makes more effective more na+ rushed into cell increasing epsp. Insert more ampa receptors in synapse: neurotransmitter can bind to more receptors, ca++ can activate kinases that lead to increase of ampa receptors in post synaptic membrane. Increase neurotransmitter release: retrograde messenger (ex: nitrous oxide) sent from. Increases pre synaptic ca++ and transmitter release b. Long term depression : decreased epsp of postsynaptic neuron in response to pre synaptic input. Large increase of ca++ inside postsynaptic cell induces ltp epsp. Small increase of ca++ inside postsynaptic cell induces ltd ipsp. Declarative memory: consciously recall or declare; found in medial temporal lobe, diencephalon stored in neocortex (temporal cortex), not hippocampus. Semantic memory: facts, acquired knowledge about the world; universally shared facts i. ii. Ex: names of objects, concepts, opinions, historical events, cause and effects.