PSYCH 454 Midterm: Exam 1 Psych 454 Study Guide pg 14

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Neurotransmitter must bind to receptor channel opens ions flow through. Extracellular (where ligand binds) + membrane spanning (ion channel) Opening of ion channel leads to membrane potential change. Positive ions flow in depolarization (more positive)= excitatory. Produces faster/rapid postsynaptic effects compared to g-coupled membrane potential change in ms of ap. Neurotransmitter binds, g-protein activated activates other intracellular messengers to modulate ion channels via effector protein. Excitatory postsynaptic potential (epsp) causes an action potential via. Ap down axon hillock ca++ increase inside presynaptic neuron. Transmitter release binding to postsynaptic receptor na+ rushes into postsynaptic neuron change in membrane potential. Neurotransmitter binds to ligand gated channels cl- rushes into cell causes postsynaptic cell to become more negative and inhibit action potential. **pre-synaptic potential is much larger than postsynaptic (ap)** Synaptic integration: multiple synapses overall effect on excitability of postsynaptic neuron. Ex of glutamate(excitatory) single ap doesn"t depolarize past threshold. Spatial summation: multiple ap"s @ same time from three different inputs.