SOC 120 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Social Exchange Theory, Asian Americans, Reca

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Sexual attraction and romantic love inappropriate basis for choice for spouse. Sexual attraction and romantic love increasingly important for choice of spouse. Se still confined to marriage (esp. middle class) but pleasure more valued. Sexual revolution decouples sex from marriage and childbearing, sex now a private. Sexual attraction and romantic love most important basis for marriage matter. % of people who had sex peaked in 80"s. &nbs p; courting gives power to women and their parents. Dating gives power to young man and teenagers. Placed courtship on economic basis> men provide goods. Hooking up shifts power back to man. Pre 1920: courting a par ents home- sex reserved for marriage. 1920-1980: dating, sex follows relationship; one night stands not normative. Today: dating on the wane, hooking up on the rise. Sexual activity without expectation of relationship (but redefinition of what qualifies as sex ) Remarkably uniform within different social status groups.