SOC 131 Study Guide - Infor, Forensic Science, Moral Disengagement

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

The trial and the jury: the criminal trial, american juries, jury felony convictions, 95% guilty plea, 3% bench trial (wave right to jury tria, 2% jury trial, 85% of wrongfully convicted saw jury (not plea bargain) ii. Jury instructions: instructed by judge to make a decision. Exonerating the innocent through post conviction dna testing: the innocence movement, the innocence project -1991, wisconsin innocence project- 1998, part of international movement the innocence network, 55 members. Warner: randomly selected 31 cases with dna, 2 resulted in exonerations = 6% error rate iii. Capital rape murders finds wrongful conviction rate of 3. 3-5% Eyewitness error: influence on juror, hypothetical bad check case, clerk"s positive id=most compelling evidence ii. Real life example: john white: why is it so unreliable, doesn"t work like a video recorder ii. iii. iv, weapon focus vi. What we perceive isn"t always what was there/what happened. Not everything we see is recorded in our brain.