SOC 134 Midterm: thorough exam 3 review sheet

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Final exam review outline: 11b: voting rights. Discrimination in voting: voting discrimination widespread, cra 1964 had few voting-specific provisions, case by case litigation required a lot of time and money. Gerrymandering: zoning of districts in order to increase/decrease chances of representatives getting elected, diluted minority voting. Descriptive representation: representatives whose backgrounds mirror their constituents, blacks represent blacks, women represent women, farmers. Political consequences of felon disenfranchisement in the u. s. represent farmers, jews represent jews: 12a: crime and victimization. 95- 97: over-victimize whites and under-victimize minorities, white victimization rate on tv was 43% but actually is 13, blacks have a 23% rate on tv but actually 28, latinos have a 19% rate n tv but actually 54% Crime rates by race of victim (homicides in particular: 70% violent crimes against whites are done by whites (intra-racial, blacks killing whites are not likely, whites killing blacks even less likely these crimes are televised a lot.