POLS 1101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Advocacy Group, Fireside Chats, Proportional Representation

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8 Oct 2016

Document Summary

Understand and be able to explain each of the following concepts. All of them are fair game for the exam. Unit four legislative branch: article i- establishes the legislative branch; the us congress--->bicameral legislature, bicameral legislature- body of gov"t that consists of two legislative houses--->the house of. Representatives & the senate: characteristics of senate. 100 senators (2 from each state: originally chosen by state legislatures. 6 year terms (1/3 elected each 2 yrs: at least 30 years old. 9 years a us citizen: characteristics of house. Seats distributed by population: directly elected by people. 2 year terms: at least 25 years old. Senate is saucer in which tea is cooled. - comment made by george washington to thomas. 17th amendment- direct election of senators; established the election of us senators by the people of the states (2 from each state) Set own rules: try impeachments, consent to treaties (by 2/3 vote, consent to appointments.