PSY-3635 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Community Mobilization, Centrality, Biofeedback

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Chapter 1 knowing history: be able to discuss how prehistoric and early historic ideas about health differ from those we employ today. In the earliest-known cultures, illness was believed to result from mystical forces and evil spirits that invaded the body. Hippocrates developed the first rational approach to the study of health and disease. Non-western forms of healing, including tom and ayurveda, developed simultaneously. In europe during the middle ages, scientific studies of the body (especially dissection) were forbidden, and disease about health and disease took on religious overtones. Des(cid:272)artes"s i(cid:374)flue(cid:374)(cid:272)e ushered in an era of medical research based on the scientific study of the body: be able to characterize the biomedical model (i refer to it as the medical model) that dominated in the 20th century. Chapter 2 research methods and designs: understanding the importance of using evidence in science, research methods, descriptive, case study, survey, observational, correlational, experimental studies.