MATH 1206 Midterm: MATH 1206 VT 1206c Test f s06

33 views4 pages
15 Feb 2019

Document Summary

Instructions please enter your name, id number, form designation letter, and crn on your op scan sheet. The crn should be written in the upper right- hand box labeled course. do not include the course number. In the box labeled form, write the appropriate form letter as shown above. Darken the appropriate circles below your id number and form designation. Mark your answers to the test questions in rows 1-15 of the op scan sheet. You have one hour to complete this part of the final exam. Your score on this part will be the number of correct answers. Turn in the op scan sheet with your answers and the question sheets, including this cover page, at the end of the this part of the final exam. Any additional parts of the exam will begin after all students have completed this common part. Exam policies you may not use a book, notes, formula sheet, calculator, or computer.