MATH 2114 Midterm: MATH 2114 VT 2114c Test f f16

94 views5 pages
15 Feb 2019

Document Summary

Instructions: fill in a, b or c in the test version section. Then enter your name, id number, crn (under class id) and write a, b, or c (under test id) on the op-scan sheet. Darken the appropriate circles below your id number and class id (crn). Mark your answers to the test questions in rows 1 14 of the op-scan sheet. Your score on this test will be the number of correct answers. You have one hour to complete this portion of the exam. Turn in the op-scan sheet with your answers, this exam, and all scrap paper at the end of this part of the nal exam. Exam policies: you may not use a book, notes, formula sheet, or a calculator or computer. Giving or receiving unauthorized aid is an honor code violation. Page 1 of 5 form a: a basis for the column space of is (a) (b) .