MATH 2114 Midterm: MATH 2114 VT 2114c Test f s15

136 views6 pages
15 Feb 2019

Document Summary

Instructions: using a #2 pencil only, write your name and your instructor"s name in the blanks pro- vided. Write your student id number and your crn in the blanks marked id number and class. Id , and bubble in the appropriate spaces on the form. Important: mark your form letter a at the very top of your form next to the words test version . Your form cannot be processed without this information. You have one hour to complete this part of the nal exam. Mark your answers to the test questions in rows 1 16 of the answer sheet. Your score on this part of the exam will be the number of correct answers. At the end of the hour, turn in both this test with the cover sheet intact, and the answer sheet. Honor policy: you may not use a book, notes, formula sheet, or any electronic device during this exam.