PSY 331 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Rape Fantasy, Surgeon General Of The United States, Sexual Addiction

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23 Jan 2020

Document Summary

Pedophiles are more likely to be non-right handed (25-33% as opposed to. Lower on iq and other neuropsychological tests: differences in numerous brain regions (white matter cross wiring between sex response and parental response) Likely to have failed grades or been in special ed. Shorter by 1 compared to sex offenders against adults: concordance in pedophilic interest higher in identical than non-identical twins. What is the evidence that pedophilia has environmental/social roots: n/a, no difference in likelihood of having been abused. Do they work: aversive (operant) conditioning show nude, then get shocked or smell ammonia, masturbatory recondition (classical conditioning) Masturbate to near orgasm with fantasy or images of preferred age. Once at height of arousal, shift to pics or fantasy of children a bit older so that erotic charge gets transferred to the older age group. Cannot change attraction, but can transfer arousal to adults: chemical castration. E. g. , use of antiandrogens to block effects of testosterone.