BIO210Y5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 10: Anterior Superior Iliac Spine, Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine, Ischial Tuberosity

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4 Aug 2018

Document Summary

R. gluteus maximus: origin (o): posterior iliac crest, sacrum, coccyx. Action (a): extension, lateral rotation of hip (moving knee away from body), and abduction of thigh. R. gluteus (cid:894)(cid:862)(cid:271)utto(cid:272)k(cid:863)(cid:895) (cid:373)edius: origin (o): iliac crest and spine. Action (a): abduction and medial rotation of thigh (moving knee towards the body) R. tensor fasciae latea (cid:894)(cid:862)st(cid:396)et(cid:272)he(cid:396)(cid:863) a(cid:374)d (cid:862)(cid:271)a(cid:374)d(cid:863) a(cid:374)d (cid:862)wide(cid:863) wide band of thin muscle: origin (o): iliac crest and anterior superior iliac spine. Action (a): abduction, flexion, and medial rotation of thigh. R. pe(cid:272)ti(cid:374)eus (cid:894)(cid:862)(cid:272)o(cid:373)(cid:271)(cid:863)(cid:895: origin (o): superior ramus of pubis. Insertion (i): inferior to lesser trochanter of femur. Action (a): flexion, medial rotation, and adduction of thigh. R. bi(cid:272)eps fe(cid:373)o(cid:396)is (cid:894)(cid:862)two-heads(cid:863)(cid:895: origin (o): ischial tuberosity. R. e(cid:373)ite(cid:374)di(cid:374)osus (cid:894)(cid:862)half(cid:863) a(cid:374)d (cid:862)st(cid:396)et(cid:272)hi(cid:374)g(cid:863)(cid:895: origin (o): ischial tuberosity. Action (a): flexion of leg and extension of thigh. R. sartorius (cid:894)(cid:862)tailo(cid:396)(cid:863)(cid:895: origin (o): anterior superior iliac spine. Action (a): flexion and abduction of thigh, flexion of leg.