CCT206H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1-6: Social Network, Unconscionability, Performing Rights
Document Summary
The key role of the court (p1: def: a case that other courts rely on when deciding future cases with similar facts or issues. Def: a court to which a finding from a lower court may be appealed. Def: resolutions of factual disputes that are decided by a jury. Def: to send back to a lower court for evaluation based on new legal rules. Trail vs. appellate court: trial court: establish the fact, appeals court: interpret the law, make precedent setting decisions, (trial court) questions of fact . Circuit courts of appeals: u. s. district courts, u. s. district courts, at least one in each of the 50 states, handle federal civil and criminal cases; decide facts. Jurisdiction: the limit or territory where a court has the power, right, or authority to interpret & apply the law. A: there are 51 jurisdictions, 50 for each state & 1 for the federal government (due to federalism)