PSY352H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 2: European Herring Gull, Larus, Sensory Neuron
Document Summary
Chapter 2 controlling behaviour: the role of the nervous system some hormone-mediated short-term ctrl does take place, the proximate (short-term) ctrl of behaviour is largely the job of the specialist cells of the nervous system. @ proximate lvl, animal behaviours ctrld partly by nervous system (provides rapid information transfer w/i animal, links sensory input to central processing + motor responses) Many behaviour types described as reflexes, stimuli (releasers) can be very specific or more general animals have a range of strategies to maximize efficiency of information gathering and behavioural performance. Nerves alone do not ctrl behaviour, interaction b/w animal + environment very important. Stimulating a behaviour fixed action patterns (faps) instinctive class of behaviours: performed perfectly first time and w/o pratice/tuition instinctive behaviours not genetically determined + can be modified. Yawns classified under this behaviour (6 seconds, fully open mouth, nearly impossible to stop)