SOC100H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 8: Ender Wiggin, Physical Attractiveness, Sex Segregation
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Sex: depends on genetic makeup, speci cally on sex chromosomes (xx is female, xy is male) or x, xxy, xxyy etc. The majority of people are born with 23 chromosomes, one of these determining their sex. 1. 7% of people do not t into the conventional male and female categories. Gender: a person"s sense of being male or female and playing masculine or feminine roles in ways de ned as appropriate by culture and society. Gender identity: a person"s identi cation with, or sense of belonging to, a particular sex, biologically, psychologically, and socially. Gender role: when someone behaves according to widely shared expectations of how males and females are supposed to act. Transgender: people who do not agree with the gender assigned to them at birth, or who do not t neatly into the conventional male or female gender categories.