SOC100H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 11: Health Maintenance Organization, Earthbound, Sicko

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Smoking, excessive of alcohol, drugs, poor diet, lack of excessive, social isolation life factors associated to poor wealth: those who loose a loved one or old age lose, result in depressed, result is ill health, public health system: comprises government run programs that ensure access to clean drinking water, factors related to the public health and health care system: basic sewage and sanitation service and inoculation against infectious diseases, health care system: composed of a nations clinics, hospitals, and other facilities for ensuring health and treating illness, without these you would have high disease and low life expectancy. Lower class has high stress b/c of living conditions, stress leads to: differences in earliest stages of development that have lifelong consequences: poor nutrition, drug use leads to cancer, abuse, high bp suboptimal fetal development, lack of knowledge: less educated have less knowledge about healthy lifestyle, unequal access to health resources: (access to dentist, eye care, mental health, environmental exposure: