SOC100H5 Chapter 2: Chapter 2
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SOC100H5 Full Course Notes
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Basics of sociological investigation: two requirements of social investigations: apply the social perspective/ be curious and ask questions. Science as one form of truth: two types of truths, belief/ faith - saying that we know something, ex. Existence of god: expert opinion-ex, parents consult their children"s pediatricians to see which practices are right for their children, simple agreement/ common sense- among ordinary people, ex. Littering is wrong: science- logical system that bases knowledge on observations. based on empirical evidence- information we can verify with our senses. It is hard to predict individual actions accurately because human behavior is complex: Instead, they prove that categories of people typically act in one way or another in a certain situation: humans respond to their surroundings and the presence of the researcher could affect the behavior of the subject. It is difficult to recognize and control personal values that could affect their work.