EESB18H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 4: Continental Crust, Oceanic Crust, Seismic Refraction
Document Summary
Earth crust = thing skin of rock, less than 1% of earth"s total volume. Mantle rocks brought to the earth"s surface in basalt flows, diamond bearing kimberlite, the tectonic attachment of lower parts of the oceanic lithosphere to the continental crust. Meteorites give show possible composition of core of earth. Tools of geophysics- seismic waves, measurement of gravity, heat flow, magnetism. Earth is divided into 3 major parts: crust on the surface; rocky mantle beneath the crust; metallic core at the center. Crust & uppermost mantle divided into: brittle lithosphere & plastic asthenosphere. Look of rocks from deeper levels seen where mantle rocks have been brought to the surface. Deep parts of earth studies indirectly through a branch of geology called geophysics: application if physical laws & principles to study earth; includes study of seismic waves & magnetic fields, gravity, heat.