MGTA01H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 4: General Partnership
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Canada is a free market economy; therefore entrepreneurs need no permission, pay no fees, and need not to fill out any special forms to start a business. In canada 3 common forms: sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation. Example: local math tutor, kid who shovels drive ways, private swimming teacher. In a sole proprietorship the business is owned and operated by 1 person. Advantages: easy to setup, with no regulatory requirements, no mandatory accounting needs. Cheap to set up ( - if registered/ sh if not), does not need to be registered, and management and ownership clear. Disadvantages: limits to owner"s skills, limits to owner"s resources, hard to get finance (bank loans). Personal liability: you are personally responsible to pay any bills, settle any lawsuits, and pick up all the pieces. Unlimited liability: your personal responsibility is unlimited; you can be unlimitedly sued if anything goes wrong. No limit to the value of the job.