SOCA01H3 Chapter 13: Work & the Economy (Compass)

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10 Feb 2011

Document Summary

After the introduction of computers in the work place, some workers said that smiles changed to frowns, mobility became immobility, sociability was transformed into isolation, freedom turned to regimentation. Bill gates argues that computers reduce out work hours, make goods and services cheaper by removing many distribution costs and allow us to enjoy our leisure time more. Industry humans were nomadic (traveled from place to place as a means of survival) about 10,000 years ago people began to herd cattle and grow plants by using hand tools. Productivity: amounts of goods and services produced for every hour worked increased with agriculture. Fish, fur, and timber were important to canada"s primary sector international exploration, trade, and commerce stimulated the growth of markets from the 15th century. Markets: are social relations that regulate the exchange of goods and services, where prices are established by how plentiful goods and services are (supply) and how much they are wanted 9demand)

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