Management and Organizational Studies 2277A/B Chapter Notes - Chapter 15: Estate Planning, Testator, Decision-Making

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A legal document that describe how your estate should be distributed upon your death: people who make wills are known as. A female executor is called a executrix. Also known as a personal representative for both male and females: interstate: the condition of dying without a will. The spouse may receive more than this amount: creating a valid will, you must be at least the age of majority (18 or 19) Some people under this age can if they are serving in the military or if they become married: must be mental competent and have no undue in uences. Common types of wills: english form will: a will that contains the signature of the testator as well as the signature of two witnesses who were present when the testator signed the wills. !1: witnesses usually don"t inherit anything under the will.