MU 221 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Great Spirit, Cymbal, Ad Libitum

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13 Jan 2017

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Some people look at how the music is made and define it that way. Overall, most jazz is defined by improvisation and swing. Music made up on the spot, and not pre-written. Also considered the flashy trademark of jazz. To create the swing, it requires off-beat accents. However, swing isn"t necessarilly totally defined either as it is considered an. Several forms of jazz have flourished at the same time. Jazz has been developing and evolving from the start of the 1900"s through today. Some soloists try to complete pop like lines, while others create more abstract lines. Jazz listeners often try to imagine the layers of sound. People all attempt to appreciate jazz in different ways as it often means different things to different people. Rhythm section is made up of bass, drums, and chord instrument like a piano and guitar. Players must keep a few things in mind when improvising.