ASL 101 Chapter 2: Signing Naturally Unit 2 (1)

20583 views7 pages
16 Feb 2017

Document Summary

Watch videos for page 53 and do minidialogues. Do norman and priscilla attend the same college? (1 point) yes. Asl, the teachers names are flo and krew. 1. who are stefanie and iva talking about? (3 points) What do the people they are discussing have in common? (1 point) In what ways are they different? (2 points) O(cid:374)e"s a a l tea(cid:272)her a(cid:374)d o(cid:374)e"s a pa(cid:374)ish stude(cid:374)t. 20: describe deaf way i. (5 points) Over 5,000 people from 80 countries gathered to share ideas, talents, art/visual performances, and info about deaf life: describe deaf way ii. (4 points) Watch videos for pages 58-59 and complete write the number. Watch videos for page 60 and complete the tic-tac-toe game boards. Watch videos for pages 61-64 and practice signing your language background. Watch videos for pages 65-68 and practice letter combinations usi(cid:374)g (cid:862)up letters(cid:863). *draw a line to match the correct person with activity* a. cooking b. dancing c. taking photos d. exercising e. watching television f. painting.

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