CHEM 1201 Chapter : Chapter 5 Chemistry

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Energy: energy exists in many forms, motion (work, heat, position, thermodynamics, the study of energy going from one form to another, energy (like matter) cannot be created or destroyed. Kinetic and potential energy: kinetic energy (ek, energy of motion, affected by speed, in chemistry: moving particles/atoms, ek= (1/2)(mv2, potential energy (eel, in chemistry: chemical bonds, ionic attraction/repulsions, energy due to position, stored energy . Working definitions: units: joule (j, equivalent to 1 kg*m2/s2, 0. 001 cal = 1 cal = 4. 184 j, system and surroundings, energy and matter can sometimes be transferred from one to another. Isolated system: energy and matter are not transferred (they are both contained in system: closed system: energy is transferred out of system, but not matter, open system: both matter and energy are transferred. Exothermic vs. endothermic: exothermic, reactions that produce energy, endothermic, reactions that require energy, note: can write energy as a reactant/product.