CHEM 2262 Chapter : Chap 20 Page 3

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Gi tract: what do sensory receptors do? allows you to feel changes in external and internal environmental ( stimuli) Organization of the nervous system: what makes up the cns? brain and spinal cord. The pns is made up of everything else in the body. Ans (autonomic); sns (somatic); ens (enteric: what type of neuron is found here? motor and sensory. Function of the nervous system: sensory function, what does it do? detect stimuli; receives and transmits information. Integrative function: what does it do? interpret information, what is an interneuron? neurons that connect with other neurons, motor function, what does it do? responds to a stimulus. Autonomic nervous system: does the ans consists of sensory or motor neurons, or both? both, what type of muscle does the ans convey information from? smooth muscle, heart, and glands. Enteric nervous system: does the ens consist of sensory or motor neurons, or both? both.