CHEM 4150 Chapter : IMG 20130925 225646 281

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Test 1 in our class will be administered on tuesday, october 1 during our regular class period, from 12:00 to 1:20 p. m. in our lecture room, 130 howe-russell. Please bring a scantron (of approximate dimensions 4. 5 x 11 inches) and pencil. The test consists of 42 multiple choice (mc) questions; each question is worth 2. 5 points, so you can earn a score of 105%. The first 40 mc questions are based on our discussions in class and the associated readings; the other 2 mc questions are extra credit and are based on your independent reading of chapter 13. We completed discussion of all materials pertaining to test 1 today (sept. 24). 75-80, 103-104: appendix c, modes of evolutionary change: gradualism vs. punctuated equilibrium (which is posted on moodle, extra credit, chapter 13. On thursday, september 26, we will continue discussion of modern human variation, but the material that we discuss on september 26 will be on test 2.