BIO 105 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Goose Bumps, Wok, Blood Sugar

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15 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Cytology: the study of cells, looking at individual cells. Histology: looking at individual tissues (groups of cells) Regional: all of the structures in one region of the body. Systemic: more common, focusing on systems (ie. cardiovascular, muscular, etc. ) Surface: what you can see with the naked eye. Microscopic: what you cannot see with the naked eye. Chapter 1 the human body: evolution. Adaptations: heritable traits that increase fitness and tend to increase in frequency from one generation to the next. Maladaptations: heritable traits that reduce fitness and tend to decrease in frequency from one generation to the next. Neutral traits: can persist over time, and become vestigial (non-necessary organs and responses) Evolution: the reason why we have so much variation (ie. hair color, eye color, shape, weight, height, etc. ) and vestigial organs and responses (ie. goose bumps, etc. : anatomy and physiology. Anatomy: structure of bod parts and relationships to one another, three different ways of observing the anatomy.