CH 101 Chapter 5: Chapter 5 Textbook Notes

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Hydrogen and oxygen both have extremely low boiling points. Boiling point is hundreds of degrees higher than the boiling points of hydrogen and oxygen o. Both oxygen and hydrogen separately are flammable and support combustion. Water demonstrates that when two or more elements combine to form a compound, an entirely new substance results. Chemical bond- the force that holds atoms together in a compound o. Form because they lower the potential energy of the charged particles that compose atoms. When the outer principal quantum level is completely full, the overall potential energy of the electrons that occupy that level is particularly low. When two atoms approach each other, the electrons of one atom are attracted to the nucleus of the other according to coulomb"s law. Ionic bond- the bond that forms between a metal and a nonmetal: metals have a tendency to lose electrons and nonmetals have a tendency to gain electrons.

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