BIO SCI E109 Chapter Notes - Chapter 7: Diethylamine, Phenobarbital, Catechol

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Acetylcholine, aa, biogenic amine, purine, gases, endocannabinoid . Neuropeptides (larger consists of aa) in size: several types of small-molecule neurotransmitters. Act on the postsynaptic cells to alter the synthesis, release, or reuptake of a specific neurotransmitter. Gaba , half of synapses use glycine, other use gaba] Present in some neurons of cns, certain autonomic neurons of the pns, in skteletal muscle at nmj. Curare blocks it at the nmj, causing paralyzaion. Present in some neurons of cns, in effectors innervated by certain autonomic neurons of the pns. Atropine blocks it, dilate pupils, reduce glandular secretion, relax muscle in gi tract. Can also be used as antidote for chemical warfare agents that inhibit ache. Long-term potential(ltp): transmission at synapses is enhanced(potentiated) for hours/weeks after a brief period of high-frequency stimulation[memory, in hippocampus] Nmda receptor: excitotoxicity(destruction of neurons through prolonged activation of excitatory synaptic transmission, that is, those neurons are stimulated to death[brain ischemia in a stroke])