CHEM 183 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Laudanum, Southeast Asia, Solomon H. Snyder

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CHEM 183 Full Course Notes
CHEM 183 Full Course Notes
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From the poppy by francis thompson (wrote about opium: emily dickinson: wrote poems about pain, men/women experience pain differentially, women tend to have more sites for pain (often in different locations) Trepanation: drill a hole in the brain to let the demons out. Some people survived (brain is not sensitive to pain) Wasn"t until 1842 until either was used: dr. crawford williamson long. Removed two tumours: didn"t publish his work for 6 years, generally given credit as discovering ether as an anesthetic bb. Linus pauling: watson-crick beat him (published first: horace wells: used nitrous oxide 1844 (tooth pulling) cc. Late 1800s n2o become part of the dentist repertoire dd. Morton 1846 - used ether (before the publication): wanted the publicity: called it letheon (lethe was a river in hell, if drunk, one would forget all and spend eternity remembering nothing) (sponges soaked in ether) ee. Two main operations of this era: amputations.