ANAT 315 Lecture Notes - Lecture 99: Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury, Posterior Meniscofemoral Ligament, Ischiofemoral Ligament
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& stretch to digits & divide/form proper palmar digital aa. & completed on medial side by deep branch of ulnar a. Median nerve= - passes deep to flexor retinaculum & gives rise to = & sensory/cutaneous innervation to palmar surface = digits #1-3 & half of #4. > arises from median n. prior to diving deep to flexor retinaculum. Common palmar digital n. = innervate lumbricals #1-2. Travels ant. to flexor retinaculum inside guyon"s canal with ulnar a. Deep branch= follows with deep branch of ulnar a. innervating. Hand digits #1-2 & lateral half of #3. Extension of mcp joints #2-3 due to paralysis of lumbricals 1-2. Anterior interosseous syndrome - affects flexion at ip joints due to paralysis of fdp (pinch sign) - flexion at dip & extension at pip. No dip flexion due to paralysis of medial flexor digitorum. Hyperextension of mcp & pip flexion of digits #3-4 due to paralysis of.