CHEM 1A03 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Electron Affinity, Fluorine, Red Blood Cell

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CHEM 1A03 Full Course Notes
CHEM 1A03 Full Course Notes
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Need a lot of energy to get xenon to bond with anything. Atomic size decreases left to right and up a periodic table. By increasing number of protons, you"re creating a gravitational force for the electrons to be attracted to: not being screened by inner electrons, more attraction. Electron affinity vs. ionization energy: ability to donate vs. ability to accept electrons. Lewis acids and bases are defined by their ability to donate electrons: not responsible for it, but are responsible for how they behave in solution. A metal dropped in water will act as a base because it is ready to donate electrons: very easily ionized. Oxides are not very soluble in water. Amphoteric elements, such as aluminum, is an indecisive chemical that will do what it wants in a solution. Water that we drink has carbon dioxide dissolved in it and is slightly acidic: has a ph of around 5.