CHEM 1A03 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Fluorine, Partial Pressure, Electronegativity

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CHEM 1A03 Full Course Notes
CHEM 1A03 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Chemistry is the central science = multidisciplinary: medical applications: Organic molecules labelled with radioactive elements are used to identify and locate cancer. Allotropes: different forms of the same element - carbon nanotubes, the buckyball, graphite, diamonds. Technetium introduced into a. a. derivatives the small peptide bonds act as molecular imaging agents. In many chemical reactions it is important to keep track of electrons over the course of the reaction, especially in. Whatever the charge is on the atom or ion is its oxidation state. A notable exception is in peroxides, species with an -o o- bond, where oxygen is typically -1: halogens are typically -1, non-metals are typically negatively charged when in a compound with metalloids and metals, which are positively charged. And metals are typically positively charge when in a compound with metalloids and non-metals, which are negatively charge: some elements, like transition metals, often have multiple oxidation numbers.